Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Social Uses/ Implications of Technology and Media

At one point in time, scientists and other professional researchers were the only people allowed to have Internet access, as it was and still is a life-changing invention. The global information medium "World Wide Web" speaks for itself. It is an endless world, that stretches world-wide to connect billions of users, and if you were to draw a line from each user to the next, you'd have a web-effect. Without a web, a spider couldn't capture prey and feed itself. Without people, the Internet couldn't exist. It's like saying the spider is the Internet and humans are the web.

The Internet gives shape to my daily routine in numerous amounts of ways. I wake up, and in my zombie state, I take my laptop from the chair and start using it. The bright screen helps my tired, heavy eyes become fully open. I do this before opening the blinds, which I find is a bit mental, because the sun is the main source of light that is used; it is the reason for human existence, and here I am relying on impostor lighting to get me out of bed. Throughout my day I am connected to the Internet. Even when I am not at home, I am still connected. When I am at school, in my class, I notice that almost every student has a laptop with wireless Internet. I even feel connected just because they are connected. I just invested in a 13" Macbook that I am aching to bring to class, so I can join the finger exercising, and be one voice with the ticking and clicking of keys. And when an Instructor offers an important website, I can view it right then, right there, instead of writing it down and risking it being lost in the sea of scribbles and lined paper.
The Internet replaces other technologies too. You don't have to use pens anymore. When you just don't want to hear that person's voice whining on the receiving end of your cellular device, you can send them a message virtually, and read about their issues instead. It saves you the pounding headache - not to be insensitive or anything. Other then Adobe Photoshop, I find my laptop useless without Internet. Sure it comes with a list of pretty little games you can occupy yourself with, but you can just go online and find any game you want and play it. So how about that? Yes you need Microsoft Office Tools to write your important papers, or to present your exciting new pictures in a fancy slide show on Power Point, but you need information to write papers. You need research. You need Google. You even need Wikipedia because what is a topic without millions of opinions? Yes there are books, and there are newspapers. You know what else there is? Online copies and summaries of those books you go to the library for, and you can find those articles you see in the paper, online at anytime! Another great thing about the Internet is that it is fast. People are busy. Sometimes, you don't have the time to wait in a line at the bookstore, or the money for that matter. But the Internet always makes time for you, and is generous regarding your busy schedule. It makes time for you, whenever you need it. Too bad health care wasn't online. That would save many hours waiting in the doctor's office, but you could realistically e-mail your doctor if you wanted to. I guess I can say the Internet has changed my behaviour, but not in a bad way or anything. I've become more of an observer, and a better researcher. I think the Internet is an important necessity. Why else would they have it capitalized?

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